Tiger Lily Cookie Toppings Build (Cookie Run Kingdom)
The long lost daughter of Royal Berry Cookie and Jungleberry Cookie, her time in the jungle has taught her how to fight and survive. This page is part of our complete Cookie Run Kingdom Topping Guide and details the best toppings for Tiger Lily Cookie.
What Toppings Go On Tiger Lily Cookie?
The best toppings for Tiger Lily are 5 Swift Chocolates, which will help reduce the cooldown time of her skill. An alternative toppings build would be 5 Searing Raspberries to increase her DMG output.
Here are the possible toppings builds for Tiger Lily Cookie:
- 5x Swift Chocolates
- 5x Searing Raspberries
Tiger Lily Cookie Build Description
Tiger Lily Cookie is a Ranged Type Cookie that stands in the rear position of her team. Her skill, known as Tiger Rider, causes her to charge towards enemies while riding her Butter Tiger, damaging and stunning enemies in the process. When her skill is activated, her attacks will deal more damage by using faster regular attacks.
The Tiger Rider skill has a 13 second cooldown time. She rides her Butter Tiger for 5 seconds. Enemies are dealt 127% DMG and are stunned for 3 seconds. This skill will boost her ATK SPD by 25% for 10 seconds.
Here is the best Tiger Lily Cookie team in Cookie Run Kingdom:
- GingerBrave Cookie (Front)
- Kumiho Cookie with 5 Solid Almond (Front)
- Sea Fairy Cookie with 5 Searing Raspberry (Middle)
- Black Pearl Cookie (Middle)
- Tiger Lily Cookie with 5 Swift Chocolate (Rear)
The best treasures for this team are the Enchanted Librarian’s Robes and the Bear Jelly’s Lollipop. Other treasures that pair well with this team are the Grim-looking Scythe and the Priestess Cookie’s Paper Charm.
Is Tiger Lily Cookie Good?
Tiger Lily Cookie is a good Ranged Cookie due to the way her skill deals damage while stunning enemies and boosting her own ATK SPD. Additionally, she has multiple bonds with other Cookies, including Princess Cookie, Kumiho Cookie, Pancake Cookie, and Werewolf Cookie. These bonds make it possible to experiment with more powerful team setups.
Tiger Lily Cookie is an Epic Tier Cookie with an A Ranking. Players have a 19.3% possibility of drawing her from the Gacha. If a player already has Tiger Lily Cookie, then she can be purchased from the Mileage Shop instead.
This guide looked at the best Tiger Lily Cookie toppings build. Let us know if you have any questions about Tiger Lily Cookie in the comments below.