How to Read The Communist Manifesto in BitLife
This page contains information on how to read the BitLife Communist Manifesto.
The Communist Manifesto is a non-fiction book that your character can read.
To start reading the Communist Manifesto, head to the Activities tab and select Mind and Body. in this section, choose a book and find the Communist Manifesto among the books provided. If the nook is unavailable, close the window and reopen it until you see the book in the list. Once your character locates the book, click on it and continuously tap on the book until you finish it. The book is about 30 pages long. Therefore your character should be able to finish it very fast compared to a book with several hundred pages.
How to Complete the V Challenge in BitLife
The BitLife V Challenge comprises five tasks: being born a male in the United Kingdom, reading the Communist Manifesto, robbing a bank wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, going to prison and working as a barber for more than five years, and finally escaping prison in a riot.
The first task is the easiest since it is done when the player creates a new character. Select Male as the gender and the United Kingdom as the country of birth.
After creating the character, age them until they become adults and begin reading adult books. Go to the Activity tab and select the Mind and Body section. Choose a book and find The Communist Manifesto. Once you select the book, tap on it until your character finishes reading.
For the third task, head to the Activities tab and select crime. Choose Bank Robbery as the crime of choice, and your character will be provided with weapons, disguises, and getaway options. Select the disguise option and tap on the Guy Fawkes option. Commit a successful bank robbery, and your character will be imprisoned.
Next, your character must become a barber in prison for five or more years. Therefore, they must be sentenced to five or more years. Afterward, head to the Home page and select the prison menu. Select Jobs and choose to be a barber.
The final task is to escape prison by creating a riot. Go to the prison tab and play a game of Snake. Afterward, your character will need to recruit other prisoners to riot with them. After creating the riot, your character will need to escape prison during the riot.
After completing this task, you will successfully finish the V Challenge in BitLife.