Europa Universalis 4 | Best Regions to Colonize RANKED
After comparing twelve colonial regions and dozens of strategies, we’ve made a list of the best regions to colonize in Europa Universalis 4. I’ve spent way too much time (about 1400 hours) playing EU4, and one of my favorite things to do is colonize.
In this Europa Universalis Guide, I will look at five of the wealthiest areas, comparing their strategic location, how many ducats they’ll produce, and when you can expect to reach them. Because when it boils down to it, ducats are the most important resource to have. The region you decide to settle with will depend on your situation, so keep reading to find out which region’s best for you.
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- #1: The Caribbean/Central America
- #2 The Ivory Coast
- #3 Spice Islands
- #4 Colonial South Africa
- #5 Colonial India
#1: The Caribbean/Central America
The Caribbean is an archipelago-like region with many benefits for players who choose to colonize it. These islands are vital to acquire, mainly because it is the central hub for transferring trade back to Europe (other than the Ivory Coast). Colonizing the Caribbean will deny much of the profits of colonization from your enemies while simultaneously generating wealth for your nation.
Because of how colonial regions work in Europa Universalis 4, we recommend investing only five colonists in this area and letting your newfound colony do the rest. Though the Caribbean is significant, there may be a struggle to reach it for some countries (such as England). If this occurs while playing as England, follow this strategy: Greenland > Canada > Florida > the Caribbean.

#2 The Ivory Coast
The Ivory Coast is a tall stretch of land located along the west coast of Africa. The importance of colonizing this territory (if done right) is critical; other nations must transfer their trade through the Ivory Coast to return it to Europe. Because of this, you are not only slowing them down, but you are simultaneously making ducats.
Having the Wealth of Nations DLC will allow players to place trade companies in all provinces that count as a Center of Trade, thus boosting trade power even further. This region also is essential because it blocks other nations from reaching Asia (if you also colonize South Africa). Therefore, giving your country what is essentially a monopoly over the Spice Islands and India.

#3 Spice Islands
Like the Caribbean, the Spice Islands are an archipelago with abundant wealth. Players that have colonized the Caribbean earlier in the game may choose to steer trade from the Spice Islands across the Pacific to the Caribbean.
We recommend that you only invest five colonists and create a colony initially. Once you’ve successfully colonized five provinces, a colonial nation will be formed that will automatically colonize regions for you. The accessible trade routes and high province value make the Spice Islands a must for players seeking wealth.

#4 Colonial South Africa
South Africa is a crucial pitstop for players who want to continue colonizing Asia. This region is not only important geographically but also holds abundant wealth. South Africa’s provinces have valuable gold that generates large sums of gold if exploited.
This region is one of the three routes to transfer trade between Europe and Asia. If South Africa is colonized, it is an easy and safe way of moving wealth back to your home trade node.

#5 Colonial India
I often hear beginner players ask why most European nations have a mission that involves colonizing India. Occupying India can be a source of incredible wealth, not to mention the area’s strategic importance geographically. Providing players with an essential foothold to conquer Asia eventually.
The Indian nation’s lack of military technology means your troops should be three times more powerful than theirs. Players who go after India are faced with one major problem they must overcome; Aggressive Expansion—which is becoming a real issue for players who choose to rush to India. As this modifier rises exponentially, countries in the Middle East may also decide to join India’s coalition against you, which is a problem. Disregarding this, the Indian Subcontinent should be seriously considered for colonization.

These were the colonial nations we recommended should be prioritized. There are many more regions to colonize, although they seem to be not as wealthy in contrast to the areas mentioned above. Thanks for reading our guide on the best regions to colonize ranked in EU4