How to Beat Challenge 23 in Merge Dragons
Thank you for coming back to Neural Gamer. We are here to offer you another guide for Merge Dragons. Today we are covering another Merge Dragons challenge. We’ll show you how to beat challenge 23 in Merge Dragons. So, without further ado, let’s get on with the walkthrough.
Challenge 23 is also called level 156. It costs 1 Chalice to do, and the end goal is to create a Gaia Statue. The Goal Stars are to create one Eldwind’s Knoll, one Prism Flower Buds, and one Life Orb. The potential rewards are a Fledgling Puddle, a Golem Dragon Egg, and a Budding Shrub.
NEXT: How to Beat Challenge 24 on Merge Dragons
Challenge 23 Walkthrough

Dragon Eggs and Life Flowers
There are three Grass Dragon Eggs you must merge. Then there, you’ll see a couple of Rock Dragon Eggs. Merge them with the one on the Dead Land. At the level’s bottom, you’ll see a couple of Blue Life Flowers. Have your dragons harvest from them so that you have Life Essences in the nearby spaces.
Once those spaces beside the Life Essence on the Dead Land are filled with Life Essence, you should merge them. Then you want to move those two Tiny Orbs so they’re not in your way and continue harvesting. Once you have five essences once again, merge the essences.
Merge the five tiny orbs, which include the one on the Super Dead Land. Merge those two small orbs created with that one on the Super Dead Land. Activate that Heal Extender and then order the dragons immediately to attack that Demon Gate.
Orbs & Prism Flowers
Move that Life Orb north and to the left, beside the Seeds of the Prism flower. Now tap on it. Even though a lot of it will be wasted on the area of Super Dead Land, it should heal one hill and one of the seeds. Merge the seeds with those two on the Super Dead Land.
Now you have a Sprouting Prism Flower. Merge this one and the other one with the one that’s on Dead Land. You’ll see a Heal Extender that you want to activate. Then get your dragons to start attacking that Demon Gate.
Hills & Knolls
There’s a group of four hills. Merge your hill with them to create two Drake’s Ridge. Merge this one with the other three to create two Elwind’s Knolls. But make sure that you place them so they don’t merge prematurely. Once you have the two Elwind’s Knolls, find one on Dead Land and merge the three.
Now, you must activate the final Heal Extender and order an attack on the Demon Gate by your dragons. Finally, you merge the three Gaia Statues. There you have it. You have completed challenge 23. Congratulations on making it this far in the game!
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