How To Get Grass Knot (TM081) in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Only Pokémon of a particular type can learn Grass Knot (TM081) since it is a grass-type TM. This move causes the opponent’s Pokémon to fall to the ground after being tripped. It does greater damage to a heavier adversary when it is attacked. With no Power stat, the move has 100 Accuracy and 20 Power Points (PP).
TM | Location (Region) | Ingredients |
Grass Knot (TM081) | Near Mesagoza City in the Paldea region | • 3000 LP • 3 Shroomish Spores • 3 Cacnea Needle |
Where to Find Grass Knot (TM081)
Grass Knot can be difficult to find since it’s not precisely in the open, hidden behind an alleyway in a little square. Travelling to the Mesagoza (East) Pokémon Center would be best to reach that location. The green arrow on the players’ mini-map will always point north if they don’t already know.

They will need a compass for this. With that knowledge in hand, follow these instructions:
- As players go towards town, take the slope to the west.
- A fork at the top of the hill allows players to travel left or right. Turn left.
- To keep on the higher route, run alongside the orange trees between the two cafés. Players have gone too far if they’ve passed the palm tree or the next crossroads.
- Run towards the handrails, using the image above as a guide. There will be an alley there. Take the northbound alley.
- The plaza entrance will be on the right. Grass Knot (TM 081) will be found east of the massive tree in this concealed nook!
How to Craft Grass Knot (TM081)
To craft Grass Knot (TM081), players will need the following:
- 3000 League Points (LP)
- 3 Shroomish Spores
- 3 Cacnea Needle
Once players have one, they may make more copies of Grass Knot (TM081) at any Pokémon Center’s TM Machine. Players must ensure they have a sufficient amount of Pokémon ingredients and League Points (LP).
Related: How to Get Body Press (TM089) in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Which Pokemon Can Grass Knot (TM081) Be Used On
Here is a list of Pokémon that Grass Knot (TM081) can be used on:
- Misdreavus
- Sprigatito
- Grumpig
- Tarountula
- Floragato
- Brute Bonnet
- Bronzong
- Pawniard
- Wigglytuff
- Blissey
- Dedenne
- Sudowoodo
- Bounsweet
- Spoink
- Hoppip
- Sawsbuck
- Igglybuff
- Krokorok
- Lurantis
- Kingambit
- Floette
- Gallade
- Jumpluff
- Snover
- Krookodile
- Raichu
- Jigglypuff
- Mismagius
- Happiny
- Zangoose
- Scream Tail
- Amoonguss
- Scovillain
- Ralts
- Slowbro
- Bonsly
- Farigiraf
- Breloom
- Abomasnow
- Pawmot
- Skiddo
- Deerling
- Slowpoke
- Smoliv
- Meowscarada
- Hypno
- Leafeon
- Flapple
- Tropius
- Flabebe
- Gogoat
- Capsakid
- Spidops
- Gothitelle
- Slowking
- Wo-Chien
- Gothorita
- Foongus
- Cacnea
- Tandemaus
- Brambleghast
- Sandile
- Iron Valiant
- Arboliva
- Hawlucha
- Beartic
- Skiploom
- Pachirisu
- Passimian
- Maushold
- Haxorus
- Zoroark
- Gothita
- Azumarill
- Sunkern
- Pichu
- Cacturne
- Drowzee
- Girafarig
- Zorua
- Toedscruel
- Bramblin
- Tsareena
- Meditite
- Shroomish
- Appletun
- Medicham
- Pikachu
- Espeon
- Cubchoo
- Petilil
- Bronzor
- Gardevoir
- Steenee
- Marill
- Kirlia
- Golduck
- Fomantis
- Dolliv
- Bisharp
- Lilligant
- Chansey
- Toedscool
- Palafin
- Eelektross
- Sunflora
- Florges