How To Get Zen Headbutt (TM059) in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Zen Headbutt in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is one of the few Psychic-type moves that deal physical damage instead of special. Introduced in Pokémon Platinum through the Move Tutor, Zen Headbutt has 80 base damage, 90 percent accuracy, and 15 Power Points (or PP).
Thankfully, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet allows trainers to craft a TM as many times as necessary, as long as the player has enough League Points (LP) and ingredients. The catch, of course, is that trainers need to learn the recipe first. Here’s where to find Zen Headbutt in the wild and its required crafting ingredients.
TM | Location (Region) | Ingredients |
Zen Headbutt 059 | West Province Area Two | • 5,000 League Points (LP) • 3 Veluza Fillet • 3 Girafarig Fur • 3 Dunsparce Scales |
Where to Find Zen Headbutt (TM059)
Zen Headbutt (TM059) is on a cliff overlooking Cascarrafa in West Province Area Two. To find this cliff, follow the river that flows into town and head north. Let Koraidon/Miraidon climb it and proceed until Cascarrafa is visible. An Ultra Ball with a yellow beacon, signifying a TM, should be at its edge.

Related: How To Get Aerial Ace (TM027) in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
How to Craft Zen Headbutt (TM059)
Once a trainer acquires a particular TM, its recipe is now available for crafting from the TM Machine. Players who want to craft Zen Headbutt will need the following:
- 5,000 League Points (LP)
- 3 Veluza Fillet
- 3 Girafarig Fur
- 3 Dunsparce Scales
Wild pokémon usually drop crafting ingredients after defeat, so make sure to battle Veluza, Girafarig, and Dunsparce. Meanwhile, interacting with tera raid crystals all over Paldea grants some League Points (LP), regardless of whether the player joins the raid or not.
Which Pokemon Can Zen Headbutt (TM059) Be Used On
Before crafting Zen Headbutt (TM059), make sure the pokémon can learn it first. Here’s a list of pokémon that can learn Zen Headbutt via TM (not by leveling) in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet:
- Jigglypuff
- Wigglytuff
- Venonat
- Venomoth
- Psyduck
- Golduck
- Slowpoke
- Slowbro
- Slowking
- Grimer
- Muk
- Drowzee
- Hypno
- Happiny
- Chansey
- Blissey
- Tauros
- Espeon
- Girafarig
- Farigiraf
- Dunsparce
- Dudunsparce
- Stantler
- Ralts
- Kirlia
- Gardevoir
- Gallade
- Shroomish
- Breloom
- Slakoth
- Vigoroth
- Slaking
- Makuhita
- Hariyama
- Sableye
- Meditite
- Medicham
- Swalot
- Numel
- Camerupt
- Torkoal
- Spoink
- Grumpig
- Cacturne
- Zangoose
- Seviper
- Barboach
- Whiscash
- Tropius
- Bagon
- Shelgon
- Salamence
- Bronzor
- Bronzong
- Riolu
- Lucario
- Basculin
- Gothita
- Gothorita
- Gothitelle
- Deerling
- Sawsbuck
- Alomomola
- Eelektross
- Rufflet
- Braviary
- Deino
- Zweilous
- Hydreigon
- Larvesta
- Volcarona
- Skiddo
- Gogoat
- Hawlucha
- Yungoos
- Gumshoos
- Crabrawler
- Crabominable
- Rockruff
- Lycanroc (Midday, Midnight, and Dusk Form)
- Bounsweet
- Steenee
- Tsareena
- Oranguru
- Komala
- Appletun
- Sandaconda
- Falinks
- Eiscue
- Indeedee
- Copperajah
- Fuecoco
- Crocalor
- Skeledirge
- Lechonk
- Oinkologne
- Nacli
- Naclstack
- Garganacl
- Capsakid
- Scovillain
- Rabsca
- Flittle
- Espathra
- Finizen
- Palafin
- Varoom
- Revavroom
- Veluza
- Dondozo
- Clodsire
- Kingambit
- Great Tusk
- Scream Tail
- Brute Bonnet
- Slither Wing
- Iron Treads
- Iron Jugulis
- Baxcalibur
- Wo-Chien
- Ting-Lu
- Chi-Yu
- Roaring Moon
- Iron Valiant
- Koraidon
- Miraidon