How to Have Triplets in BitLife
This page contains information on how to have triplets in BitLife.
Trying to get pregnant with triplets in BitLife is a challenging procedure. Your character must try several times before birthing triplets, so they should prepare for several trials and errors.
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BitLife: How to Have Twins or Triplets
There are three main ways your character can have twins or triplets. These are having children naturally with partners, in vitro fertilization, and artificial insemination. Of these three options, having children naturally yields the lowest probability of having triplets because, most of the time, the character has only one child per pregnancy. It does not mean it is impossible since having triplets using the natural way is cheaper than the other two methods.
To have triplets in BitLife, your character needs to be above 40. Head to the Fertility option located under the Activities tab. When your character is there, select the IVF option, and you will get pregnant by luck. Your character then needs to age and check again to see if they are lucky to have triplets. If your character is unfortunate, they can repeat the process until they have triplets.
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How to Increase Your Chances of Having Triplets in BitLife
One of the main tricks that will boost your chances of having triplets is shutting down the BitLife app several times to reset it. Firstly, the player goes to the IVF Treatment and ensures the procedure is successful. If unsuccessful, the player closes the app immediately and re-opens it. Your character then tries again until they become successful.
When you become pregnant, age up your character to see the type of child they will give birth to, your character has three options: a single child, twins, or triplets. There will be instances whereby your character will have a miscarriage because of their age. If this happens, do not shut down the prompt. Close the app and repeat the entire process. Doing this will significantly boost your chances of having triplets in no time.