Sims 4: Free Real Estate Cheat (FreeRealEstate Command)
This Sims 4 Free Real Estate Guide will explain how to use the game’s estate cheat code to unlock any property free of charge. So whether you’re on Xbox, Play Station or PC, we cover everything you need to know below…
…click here to jump straight to the answer How Do You Get Free Real Estate on Sims 4.
What Does Free Real Estate Mean in Sims 4?
The FreeRealEstate cheat lets your sims move into any property in the game, no matter the price or location. However, the house must be vacant at the time. Best of all, the command is built-in — no third-party mods have to be downloaded. If you’re interested in using the cheat, we have a guide in the section below that guides you through the process.
How Do You Get Free Real Estate on Sims 4?
How you get free real estate will change based on which platform you run the game. We outline three methods to enter and use cheat commands below…
What platform are you playing on?…
- Free Real Estate Cheat on PC
- Free Real Estate Cheat on XBOX
- Free Real Estate Cheat on PS4 or Play Station

Free Real Estate Cheat on PC
Follow these steps to use the free real estate cheat in the PC version of Sims 4:
- Have an active household present on your save file.
- Open the Command Cheat Panel (press CTRL + SHIFT + C).
- In the top-left, type testingcheats true into the white box and click ENTER. Doing this enables cheats.
- In the same box, type freerealestate on and click ENTER.
Free Real Estate Cheat on Console (PS4 / PS5 or XBOX)
Follow these steps to use the free real estate cheat on Sims 4 Xbox or Play Station edition:
- Open an existing save file that has at least one household on it.
- Press the four shoulder buttons (the two back buttons and triggers) to open the Command Cheat Panel.
- In the top-left, enter testingcheats true into the white box. Doing this enables cheats.
- In the same box, enter freerealestate on.
- Press the four shoulder buttons again to close the command panel.

How is the Free Real Estate Cheat Useful?
Picture this… you’re a single mother with three kids, strapped for cash and can barely meet your needs. You need a house. There are two options: build your own or buy a prebuilt property. Both of these can get expensive, and you don’t have any money. This is where the free real estate cheat comes in. Using the cheat, she can buy herself a house and move up in the world!
How Do You Unlock Locked Lots in Sims 4?
There are two ways to unlock lots in Sims 4. Firstly, you can purchase the property legitimately by investing your Simoleons; this method will cost you a lot of money. Alternatively, you can use the FreeRealEstate cheat in the command box. This way, you can unlock any property for free.
That’s all to it! This Sims 4 Real Estate Cheat guide explained how to get free real estate using console commands. Thanks for reading!