How to Export Sugar in Tropico 6 (Step-by-Step)
Looking to make some money in Tropico 6? Sugar is an easily produced resource, that can be made into Rum at the Rum Distillery. If you’re looking to quickly boost and learn how to export sugar in Tropico 6, we’ve outlined a step-by-step process.
- Step 1: Build a Sugar Plantation
- Step 2: Make Sure You Have Enough Teamster Offices
- Step 3: Build a Warehouse
- Step 4: Sign a Trade Route Contract
- Step 5: *OPTIONAL* Build a Rum Distillery
- How to Periodically Stop Trading Rum/Start Trading Sugar
Step 1: Build a Sugar Plantation
Firstly, you’ll want to construct a Sugar Plantation. Follow these steps:
- Click the Construction button (at the bottom of your screen).
- Go to the Food & Resources tab.
- Click Plantation.
- Select Sugar from the panel on the right.
- Place the Plantation (make sure the area is primarily green).
Step 2: Make Sure You Have Enough Teamster Offices
Before continuing, make sure that you have enough Teamsters employed. Tropico’s developers have stated that you should have 1 Teamster Office per 100 citizens (not upgraded). You start the game with 1 Teamster Office already built, so if you need more, we suggest that you upgrade that one first. To upgrade a building, follow these steps:
- Click on the building.
- Click on the Upgrades tab, at the top of the panel.
- Click on the Upgrade you want (be prepared, it’ll cost money).
Step 3: Build a Warehouse
Next, you’ll want to build a Warehouse. This will store the sugar you produce, and allow you to regulate whether the sugar goes to the Dock or not. To do this, follow these steps:
- Click the Construction button (at the bottom of your screen).
- Go to the Traffic & Infrastructure tab.
- Click Warehouse.
- Once it has been built, click on the Warehouse.
- There should be three empty slots, labeled Empty. Click the slot.
- Scroll down to Sugar, then click it.
- Click ‘Allow transport to dock‘ under the Sugar slot (refer to the GIF below).
Step 4: Sign a Trade Route Contract
Once you have all the infrastructure in place, you’ll want to find someone to purchase your sugar. To do this, follow these steps:
- Click the Trade button (at the bottom of the screen).
- Sort the listings by Import/Export.
- Look through the Export listings (the ones with a red arrow to the left of them), and find one for sugar. If you can’t find one, wait up to 12 months, and new listings will be available. At which time, look over them again.
- Click Sign Contract in the bottom right of the window.
Step 5: *OPTIONAL* Build a Rum Distillery
Congratulations, you’ve done it. By now, I’m sure you are rolling in cash. But wait… there is potential for more, much more. Although expensive ($9600), Rum Distilleries generate a lot of profit. And, the only resource required to produce Rum is Sugar. Follow these steps to build a Rum Distillery:
- Click the Construction button (at the bottom of your screen).
- Go to the Industry tab.
- Click Rum Distillery, and place it.
- Click on the Warehouse.
- There should be three empty slots, labeled Empty. Click the slot.
- Scroll down to Rum, then click it.
- Click ‘Allow transport to dock‘ under the Rum slot (refer to the GIF below).
- Click ‘Allow Processing‘ under the Sugar slot.
How to Periodically Stop Trading Rum
So, let’s say you have signed a Sugar contract. But, all your sugar is going to the Rum Distillery. To stop sugar from going to your Rum Distillery, simply deactivate the building. To do this, follow these steps:
- Click on the Rum Distillery
- Click the Pause button to the left of the building’s name.
Thanks for reading our step-by-step guide on how to export sugar in Tropico 6.