Where to Catch Shiny Gyarados in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
This page contains information on where to find Red Gyarados in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. We’ll explain exactly where to find the infamous Shiny Gyarados.
Some players are willing to play through the game until they encounter one in the wild. But if you’re really keen, you should use the guide below, as we outline which routes and locations you should prioritize to increase your chances of encountering the pokemon.
You’re encounter chance depends on which fishing rod you’re using. There are three rods in the game:
- The Old Rod
- The Good Rod
- The Super Rod
If you’re using the Old Rod, there is a 0% chance of encountering Shiny Gyarados anywhere. So we suggest you hold out shiny-hunting until you unlock either the Good Rod or Super Rod. Preferably, you have the Super Rod, as it will maximise your chances.
If you’re shiny-hunting in the correct location, you can expect a 1 in 4096 chance of encountering Red Gyarados. So set aside at least a few hours for shiny hunting. You can use the Shiny Charm to boost your chances to 1 in 1365.
Besides catching a Shiny Gyarados in the wild, many players opt for catching a shiny Magicarp instead then evolving it, as it has a much more favourable encounter rate.
The locations where you can catch Red Gyarados depend on which fishing rod you’re using.
Which do you have?
The Good Rod
Great Marsh Area 1 | Good Rod |
Great Marsh Area 2 | Good Rod |
Great Marsh Area 3 | Good Rod |
Great Marsh Area 4 | Good Rod |
Great Marsh Area 6 | Good Rod |
Also: How to Get Shiny Palkia in Pokemon Shining Pearl
The Super Rod
Canalave City | Super Rod |
Celestic Town | Super Rod |
Eterna City | Super Rod |
Fuego Ironworks | Super Rod |
Great Marsh Area 1 | Super Rod |
Great Marsh Area 2 | Super Rod |
Great Marsh Area 3 | Super Rod |
Great Marsh Area 4 | Super Rod |
Great Marsh Area 6 | Super Rod |
Iron Island Outside | Super Rod |
Lake Acuity | Super Rod |
Lake Valor | Super Rod |
Lake Verity After Galactic | Super Rod |
Lake Verity Before Galactic | Super Rod |
Mt. Coronet 4F | Super Rod |
Mt. Coronet B1F | Super Rod |
Oreburgh Gate B1F | Super Rod |
Pastoria City | Super Rod |
Pokemon League | Super Rod |
Ravaged Path | Super Rod |
Resort Area | Super Rod |
Route 203 | Super Rod |
Route 204 North | Super Rod |
Route 204 South | Super Rod |
Route 205 North | Super Rod |
Route 205 South | Super Rod |
Route 208 | Super Rod |
Route 209 | Super Rod |
Route 210 South | Super Rod |
Route 212 North | Super Rod |
Route 212 South | Super Rod |
Route 213 | Super Rod |
Route 214 | Super Rod |
Route 218 | Super Rod |
Route 219 | Super Rod |
Route 220 | Super Rod |
Route 221 | Super Rod |
Route 222 | Super Rod |
Route 223 | Super Rod |
Route 224 | Super Rod |
Route 225 | Super Rod |
Route 226 | Super Rod |
Route 227 | Super Rod |
Route 228 | Super Rod |
Route 229 | Super Rod |
Route 230 | Super Rod |
Sendoff Spring | Super Rod |
Sunyshore City | Super Rod |
Twinleaf Town | Super Rod |
Valley Windworks | Super Rod |
Victory Road B1F | Super Rod |
Victory Road Nat Dex Area B1F | Super Rod |
Also: How to Evolve Happiny to Chansey to Blissey (Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl)
This guide outlined where to find Shiny Gyarados in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl in the wild.