A Guide to France (Step-by-Step) | Europa Universalis 4
This Europa Universalis Guide discusses the steps you must follow to become a leading world power as France in Europa Universalis 4.
France starts Europa Universalis 4 as a semi-powerful nation. It is the overlord of many vassals and has a great economy—furthermore, a great military. But unfortunately for France, 1444 (the starting date) was the year that it finished a major war with England. In which it lost much of its land—specifically, Normandy (northern France) and a large portion of the west coast (Bordeaux).
That’s why France begins the game with a reconquest war goal against England, which (given the opportunity) should be used.
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- What Makes France So Good?
- France Opening Moves – 1444
- After the War Against England
- Later Expansion
What Makes France So Good?

France has an overwhelmingly good army discipline, which increases its manpower, army discipline, and infantry combat ability.
This disregards the wealthy (arguably overpowered) economy of France. So yes—France starts with a somewhat average monthly income, but be assured that you will have so much money as the game progresses.
This guide will focus on creating an overpowered France in EU4—expect to be one of the most influential and powerful nations.
France Opening Moves – 1444
- Firstly, you’ll want to organize France’s diplomatic situation. They begin the game with a somewhat one-sided relationship with Scotland. So you will want to remove your guarantee on Scotland, as it will not help you out long term —let alone the short term.
Next, you will also want to break your alliance with Provence, as their land is a part of your mission tree. Thus players must conquer them—the sooner you break your alliance with them, the sooner your truce timer finishes.
TIP: Wait until you receive a free war goal against Provence before invading them due to The Papal States excommunicating them—which will result in 50% less aggressive expansion when taking their provinces.

- Next, form an Alliance with your Castilian Neighbour and agree to a royal marriage; they’re a valuable military ally. They will typically (unless they are fighting another war) accept your call to arms against England. The Iberian Peninsula (the one with Portugal, Granada, Castile, Navarra, and Aragon) is typically not the place you’ll expand in the early game.

- Next, you will want to recruit a few more infantry regiments in preparation for the English War you’ll be fighting within the following few years. Do this until you’ve hit your force limit (to complete one of your missions that require your army to be 100% of your force limit.)
- Continue to allocate your army generals to your two armies—which general is attached to which army is not that important.
- On December 11th 1444, Declare War against England (or later if need be) using your Reconquest Casus Belli—you’ll only receive 25% aggressive expansion for land that you take. Make sure to call Castile into the war.

- Most likely, Portugal will join the war on the British side—luckily for us, we have Castile, which is more than enough to crush the Portuguese. However, you may need to send one of your two armies groups to help the Castilians out. Start the war by sieging Normandy with the army in your northern provinces, prioritising the two northern fort provinces. And with the army located in the south, siege down the fort adjacent to Navarra.

- Firstly, you will want to sign a peace treaty with the Portuguese, and we suggest you take the province in Northern Africa or Southern Portugal. But if you wish to, feel free to peace out for Ducats (Money).

- Once you’ve sieged all of the English provinces on mainland Europe, you’ll have to start playing the waiting game—the war score will slowly tick up. Upon having enough, take back as many French cores as you can. I usually take the two southern provinces and most of the northern ones.
After the War Against England
- After the war, you will want to turn your attention on some of you neighbour’s. If you can, you will want to form an alliance with the Burgundians —Burgundy—, or at a minimum form a royal marriage with them. Trust me, forming a royal marriage with them is crucial down the track. You may need to improve relations with them before they accept.
- Furthermore, within the following years, your peace treaty timer with Provence should finish. Like I have previously mentioned, Provence typically gets excommunicated —providing you with a Casus Belli—. But if not, you may need to build a spy network, and fabricate a claim. Once you have a claim, declare war against them.
- The Provence war should be pretty straight forward. Within the peace deal, take Anjou. Along with two of the southern provinces.
- Once that war is over and done with, justify a war goal against Brittany — Or, you should have an exisiting war goal against them. If you have been following the French mission tree —.
Continue by declaring war against Brittany.

- The war should be pretty easy. Though they might ally a strong nation, by now you should be able to deal with it. Whether you annex or vassalize them is your choice.
Later Expansion
The ensuing years should be a cake walk. By now, you should be the most powerful nation in Europe.
Keep in mind, that if you got a royal marriage with Burgundy — like I advocated for in the previous steps —, there is a very likely chance that the Burgundian Inheritance Event occurs. During which, Burgundy will be inherited by either you, or Austria.
To increase the chance of Burgundy being inherited by France, we recommend you forge an alliance with Burgundy.
After you have taken care of many of your smaller neighbour’s —Provence, Brittany, etc— and taken back your core lands, there is multiple paths you may take.
For instance, you can choose to colonize. In which, you have the ability to be one of the first nations to reach the New World. Or, you can continue to invade central Europe. Pushing into the Holy Roman Empire. Alternatively, you may want to invade Ireland, the Iberian Peninsula, or Italy.
Wherever you go is your choice!
Thank you for reading our EU4 France Guide!