Sneaky Sasquatch Binoculars Guide (Location, Uses, Cache)
There are many different pieces of equipment in Sneaky Sasquatch. one of these is the Binoculars. Today we will look at a guide about Binoculars and what you can and can’t do in the game with them. So, let’s look at some vital information about the Sneaky Sasquatch Binoculars.
Where Are the Binoculars in Sneaky Sasquatch?

Before we get into what you can do with the Binoculars, we’ll examine where you can get them. There is only one place where you can get them, and that is at the Fox Shop. This shop is found inside the forest close to the Port. It also can be reached by the Port sewers. The Binoculars cost 750 coins.
How to Use the Binoculars
Sneaky Sasquatch’s Binoculars are used to view the areas on the map that are far off. However, they can’t be used on the building’s top floors or underground. They’ll be locked in your inventory when you are in an area where you can’t use them.
You can use them outside and underwater, including underground areas like the lake inside Ski Mountain Cave and the Sewers. They come in handy for checking an area quickly for valuable things. When you use them, there will be a binocular icon on the lower left. This will provide dual-level zoom control.
Here are some handy uses for the Binoculars:
- Examine inaccessible areas to get to a Secret Cache
- View locations of security and cameras while robbing the Port
- Finding Easter Eggs
What Is the Code for the Binocular Safe in Sneaky Sasquatch
To the north of Fox’s Shop, a safe in the forest requires you to put in four digits to open it. The Binoculars can be used to find the digits. These are four random digits, so you won’t find the answers anywhere. These are four random digits so you won’t find the answers anywhere. You must use the binoculars to find them and get the cache.
The first digit is found on the ground to the cache’s northeast. The second digit is written on the warehouse of R Corp inside the Port. The other two require you to wear the Junior Supervisor Disguise because they’re on shipping containers’ roofs close to Secure Warehouse 3.
The disguise is needed because you must get into that restricted area to be near enough to read them. yes, it takes some time to find the digits. But since the cache is 1,000 coins, it’s worth it to take time to go through the trouble.
Now you know a bit about using the Binoculars in Sneaky Sasquatch and what you can do with them. We hope you found this helpful and will keep returning to our site to read our game guides. We aim to be your go-to site for game guides. Have a great day!