Where is the Marina in Sneaky Sasquatch?
Sneaky Sasquatch is an Apple Arcade game in which you play a Sasquatch going about his life pretending to be human. As you play the game, you’ll eventually hear about the Marina. But if you don’t know how to get there, you will want to know, “Where is the Marina in Sneaky Sasquatch? So, we will show you how to get there and some exciting things to do there.
Where is the Marina
Like many other places on the map, going to the Marina will start with your Sasquatch heading to town in his favorite vehicle. If you aren’t sure where the town is because it’s been a while since you played, it’s to the campground’s left.

After you get to the town, drive to the heart of it and then start heading south. Eventually, you should get to a road that heads to the south. You’ll also see a sign with the word ‘Marina’ printed on it.
The Marina & the Ferry
Once you arrive at the Marina, you’ll see the boat shop. This is where you can purchase a boat. However, you will need your fishing license before you can purchase one. Unfortunately, you must go to the island to get that. Therefore, you must find the line to board the ferry.

Taking the ferry will cost you 200 coins one way. So, make sure that you have at least that on you. But if you want to be prepared even more, have 750 coins you can spend before you take the ferry. You’ll be glad you did!
Find Mushrooms & Make a Profit
Along with taking the ferry, you can also find a certain type of mushroom here. The Marina is one of two places where you can find shrimp mushrooms. Just one of these two-star mushrooms can be sold to the Mushroom Hunter for 100 coins. So, keep your eyes out!

Now you know how to get to the Marina and a bit about what you can do there. We hope that you liked this post and that you will keep coming back. Our sneakysasquatch writer has a lot more tips and guides to offer you soon. Please leave a comment below and have a great day!